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Private Pages
Mary Kate Watkins avatar
Written by Mary Kate Watkins
Updated over a week ago

Creating Private Pages can be helpful for a number of reasons, whether you'd like to add Manuals for your Board Members to see when logged in, publish player drills/resources for only players registered within a specific season to view on the website, or any other hidden content on the site.

To create a Private Page on your Crossbar site, from the Content Dashboard, you'll select "+New Page" and title that page as normal, then choose "Private" as the page section:

Once you have edited the page in the normal Page Builder, you can select Permissions:

This allows you to dictate who has access to this page, whether it's a specific set of Users, Registrants, or Admin Role. You can also adjust the permissions for these pages under the Content tab of the Dashboard.

Once the page is published, those eligible to view that page can log into their Account menu, where they have a Pages tab. On this Pages tab, they'll see all the pages they have permission to view within the Private section:

For more information or questions, reach out to us at!

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