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Scheduler Overview
Chris DeGroat avatar
Written by Chris DeGroat
Updated over a week ago

The goal of our club scheduling software is to move your schedule management from spreadsheets to your club's website. You simply upload the spreadsheet of time slots you receive from your facilities and then use our intuitive scheduling interface to allocate slots to your teams. Before you get started with the schedule management, make sure you have your teams created under the Registrations Dashboard. If you only have scheduling permissions, you may need an admin to enter those teams for you.

Uploading Your Club’s Schedule:

Check out our video & help page dedicated to the Scheduler Upload here:

From the Scheduler Tab on your Dashboard, select “Upload” from the top right of the screen:

The goal of this upload is to allow you to add all of your home facility time slots to the Scheduler to manage there, however if you already know when the teams will be scheduled, you can include team assignments in the upload file.

First, download the Schedule Upload template (found under Scheduler > Upload) and fill in your club’s schedule to the format. The template needs the following information:

  • Facility Name (text format)

  • Space Name (if your Facility has multiple spaces; if not, leave this column blank) (text format)

  • Date (date/time format of MM/DD/YYYY)

  • Start Time (date/time format)

  • End Time OR Duration (e.g. 9:00pm OR 60 minutes) (date/time format)

  • Optional: Team Assignments and/or Opponent Assignments (text format)

  • Utilize the Team Codes on the Upload page to assign teams to known times on your schedule; Team Codes can be adjusted from your Program -> Season -> Teams

TIP: Check for formatting - ensure each of your columns is correctly formatted before you upload, including Facility names matching what has been entered on your Site under “Facilities” and Space names matching what has been entered as Spaces under your Facilities.

  • The upload feature will give you an Error with the specific rows/columns that need to be updated if the template does not match. If you are sure your values are formatted correctly and the columns match the template, reach out to us at so we can help!

TIP: If you upload incorrect times or need to adjust what you’ve uploaded, you can view Upload History, then “View Details” for the latest Upload, where you have the option to “Rollback” everything you uploaded to correct the errors.

Assigning Teams & Adding Games:

  • Once you’ve added your Facility & Space times to your calendar, you’ll need to add/remove teams, assign games, and make throughout-the-season changes to the times listed.

    • To edit or add a Team assignment to a time on your schedule:

      • Select the time of the slot and select the Team you’d like to assign

      • Or, select the Team from the drop down at the top of the page, and click the “+” on the time you’d like to assign to your selected Team.

    • To create a Game, select the Team being scheduled from the drop down at the top of the page, and select “+Game” on the Date the Game will be scheduled. You’ll be able to enter the Game Details for both Home and Away games.

    • Games can also be scheduled by Team Staff on their Team Pages

TIP: Games added from the Scheduler will not be able to be edited from Team Pages, just as Games added from the Team Pages are not able to be edited from the Scheduler. If you have Team Staff enter Games/Away Games for their Team, it can be helpful to show those on the Scheduler, as they default to not Show. To adjust this setting, Click the Settings Icon (gear wheel icon at top right of Scheduler Page) and answer “Yes” to “Display Team Scheduled Events?” Question.

  • As things change throughout your season, you can add new, individual Time Slots with the “+” next to the Upload button.

    • You can also edit or remove any time slots by clicking on the Time listed and changing any of the assignment or details of that time.

    • To remove time slots, ensure you have removed all assigned teams (double click the Team Assigned to remove), then select the time and choose “Delete Slot”

Tracking Team Allocation from Your Scheduler:

As you assign and remove slots from a team, you will see a team data box updating in the left column.

Touches: The number of time slots assigned to a team.
Allocation: How many shared hours worth of time slots have been allocated to this team. If two teams have been assigned to a 1 hour slot, each team would be charted with 0.5. This works with any length slot and any number of teams.

Only time slots that are allocated via the club scheduler are included in this data. This means that away games, tournament games, and anything added to a team schedule via the team page will not be included.

If you still have questions or would like additional training on our Scheduler Feature, please reach out to

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