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Mary Kate Watkins avatar
Written by Mary Kate Watkins
Updated this week

Scorekeeping within league games allows the full boxscore to be entered for each game. With scorekeeping permissions, you have the ability to add in these boxscores for any games within the designated league. This article reviews how to score games setup under a league with scorekeeping enabled.

With help setting up scorekeeping, please reach out to your Customer Success Specialist or

When logging into your organization's website to enter scores, you'll navigate to the Division page for the league and choose Scoreboard:

Please note: Many leagues post this in custom places, so please confirm with your league contact where on their website this information will be listed.

Once on the Scoreboard page, you can navigate to specific dates and choose "Boxscore" for the game you'd like to score:

Once editing the Boxscore, you'll see this interface:

After completing the information for the game, choose "Finalize Game" at the top of the Boxscore entry screen to ensure the game score is complete and pulls into the standings & leaderboard tables:

Once finalized, that game score is saved and the Boxscore will be available to see on the league website.

For questions or help, please reach out to us at!

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